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Our Gifted, Top Rated Baby Slings- Stories From Real Mothers

                  When I first was gifted my Aloha and Light sling I was a newly single mother.  My son was 8 months old. Just recently fleeing an abusive relationship with my son in tow, I found solace in the community of women based around Aloha and Light. I was blessed enough to receive a sling, my first one made by her. It was the biggest blessing as a newly single mom on my own. I was becoming overwhelmed between my job and taking care of my son, my house and myself. With my sling I can use the back carry method to do dishes, sweep and mop. I wear him in my front to breastfeed him while I am getting ready for work!  I am a nanny now for three small children and I would never be able to keep up without holding my son in my sling. Most importantly it has allowed us to take peaceful walks with just him and I, savoring the sweet yummyness of his first year of life and my first year of motherhood.

Aloha to you Janel!!! 
Sara G.



     I first discovered Aloha and Light on Instagram. Right after after the birth of my second son I ordered a ring sling from a popular company online. I just could not get it to work for me. It was so uncomfortable and difficult to to adjust because of how thick the fabric was.I thought maybe I just liked my wovens best. Then one day I was browsing Instagram and I saw Janel's ice dyed slings. They were gorgeous. I decided to go for it and ordered a custom. It was perfect. It captured the energy of the photo I'd sent her perfectly. And it was so much more comfortable. I received it the day before my son was released from the nicu. So I was able to carry him out in it. It was so supportive and light. Now very recently I was gifted an unbelievably gorgeous light pink hempsilk wrap. The packaging was different a beautiful silver box. To see how her business is blossoming and blooming is amazing. She just keeps getting better and better at her work. Having my slings helped immensely as a mother of two. Now, as a single mother of three its a lifesaver!  I never go anywhere without it tucked into my over-sized bag.  My babies love being worn and kept close. And it makes mothering so much easier. I will always love and cherish my Aloha and Light slings.

 So much love,
Selena Reign



     As a mom of three babes all two years apart, you can bet my hands are full. Literally with stuff. Food, diapers, clothes, toys, books, my phone and who knows what else. I learned with my first child that baby wearing was the key.  Hands free with baby attached safely who can nurse and/sleep right on me. I also learned that not all carriers and slings are made equally. That is why I LOVE my sling from Aloha and Light. It is comfortable, breathable, soft, supportive and beautiful.

     With my third I discovered Aloha and Light and became a proud owner of my sling. Chasing two toddlers and having a newborn can be challenging. A juggling act. The sling allowed me to keep up and juggle life with my older two and feel safe knowing my infant was on me. I nursed all the time and had her nap on me while I kept up the routine of our lives.
I had my hands free to tie shoes, wipe butts, grocery shop, walk the dog, hold the older kids hands, etc. When they needed it, my older ones would even climb in the sling for some special time.

     Our life revolves around the beach. I take my sling in the water all the time. And it dries fast, really fast and doubles as a towel or blanket and shade. I can cook dinner easily with two hands which is so convenient.
I use it on airplanes, hiking and climbing trips, beach days, errands, around the house, walking the dog and I like to hang it up somewhere visible because it is so lovely. My sling makes my chaotic messy life beautiful, organized and functional. It helps create that nice rhythm smooth flow to our days. It is one of my favorite mom items. And it has become part of our family.

With Love and so much gratitude,
Marion Team

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