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Tutorials - Ring Slings

Welcome! Whether you're new to ring slings, or just new to the Aloha & Light brand, we hope you'll find these detailed tutorials helpful. For some users, the Aloha & Light Signature Quadruple Folded Shoulder (an A&L original innovation, developed 2013) may have a slight learning curve; but once you master it, you may never want to use a traditional gathered shoulder sling again! 

The below videos were designed to help brand new sling users, as well as experienced sling wearers who are new to the Aloha & Light brand. The first two videos highlight the advantages of the Aloha & Light Signature Quad shoulder (supportiveness, compact shoulder cap, and amazingly deep seats), and offer tips for how to wear and thread the fabric. The latter three are wearing tutorials for slinging infants and newborns, helping you to achieve a proper, ergonomic fit.

If you still have questions after watching these videos, please feel free to contact us, or visit our Facebook Community, where you'll be warmly greeted by lots of experienced users who are happy to assist. Mahalo!


Aloha & Light Signature Quad Shoulder Design vs. Gathered Shoulder


Aloha & Light Signature Quad Shoulder Advantages and Troubleshooting


Aloha & Light Infant Front Carry (9 month old baby)

Aloha & Light Newborn Front Carry (Legs In)


Aloha & Light Newborn Front Carry (Legs Out)